So...this is a very special post as I will reveal what these two little buggy's are...are they boys?! are they girls?! or one of each?! I can tell you that from the moment we knew we were having twins, I knew I wanted to try to do something really special to tell our friends and family what the gender of the little babes were! I saw on pinterest many different ideas...mostly the infamous "cut into the middle of the cake to see what color frosting" idea appeared but there were a couple ideas that showed the couple opening a box with the color of gender (blue or pink) helium-filled balloons coming out of the box and floating into the sky; I instantly thought this was so adorable but wanted to put our own little spin on it so I thought to myself..."self, why not have buggy open the box at her birthday party?!!!" How PERFECT!!! Instead of the box saying.....boy? or girl? ours would say........brothers?! sisters?! a brother and a sister?! Now...the catch was having to wait and keep this GIANT, HUMONGOUS secret for ONE MONTH...that's right friends...ONE WHOLE MONTH! And if you know me well at all, I'm so bad at keeping huge, exciting news in!!! It was pure hell knowing for an entire month when the most important people in our lives weren't in on the big news...I also don't have a poker face to save my life...I literally cannot lie...I like break out into hives and get all red in the face so when our family continued to ask us when our ultrasound was, we just told them it was...August 22nd...which was not a total lie because we really did have another ultrasound today (we have to have them on a monthly basis now until these little lovies arrive just to make sure they are growing and developing on track...even the healthiest of twin pregnancies are still considered high risk so they do what they can to very carefully monitor the mama's and the babies! There were many questions about having to wait "extra long" and we just said that it probably had something to do with it being multiples, lol! So anyways, as we tried to avoid the questions as much as possible, we waited and waited and then buggy's birthday party FINALLY was SOOOO EXCITING to see the precious surprised look on everyone's faces as we opened a present that looked like this:
We just took an old box that we had from buggy's kitchen set and wrapped it in plain brown paper and me and my wanna-be artistic skills decorated it up! The orginal plan obviously was to have Rylee open the gift to unveil the gender of her baby siblings but we saved this gift until the very end...she had opened many gifts already and she was pretty much over it so Chris and I had to open it for her!!! Click on the link below of a video that my bestie and her hubby took for us...they were in on the big surprise but still had no idea what the box contained!!! (Thanks Bridg for being my personal photographer and videographer on Rylee's special day! xoxo!)

Yep...that's right friends........TWO more baby GIRLS!!!! We are SO excited...and we feel so blessed and so happy. Rylee Jane has said from the very beginning that her "baby siksters" were in mommy's's like she had this wierd intuition and knew all along! I thought FOR SURE that we were having two boys...or maybe one of each...but never ever did I think that we were having TWO more girls! And...NONE of our family thought girls either so that really added to the shock factor :) We always said that we wanted to have four little bambinos so perhaps that fourth will be a little boy for Chris...besides, as excited and blessed as I feel to have two more precious little girls, I would also like to know what it's like to have a little boy too...but at the end of the day, it's all up to God and I know that and believe that with all my heart...our family will be whatever it will be...and we will be happy and feel so fullfilled and blessed NO MATTER WHAT :) We had another ultrasound today that again confirmed that they are both 100% baby girls...they were just adorable today...holding hands and moving around's still just so surreal that there are two babies in my's just incredible! I'll have to post some belly pics on here before my belly gets too big, lol ;) My belly measured at 31 weeks today when I'm only really 24 weeks...Good Lord, I feel so huge already! When I compare pics from when I was pregnant with buggy, I'm really not that much bigger than I was with her but the measurements are much farther ahead...they keep telling me "this is perfectly normal" but I'm not going to lie when I say that I get a little anxiety wondering how my body is going to house these two little beauties for another few months!? I just trust that God will see us and the more importantly, these two little babies through this journey!
Well...hope you enjoyed the big surprise as much as our family and I!
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