Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In just 2 short weeks...

I have to go back to work after 6 months of being home with my little ladybugs *tears* It has been an amazing gift to be able to be home with our babies for 6 months versus the standard 12 weeks of maternity leave. I knew when we found out that we were having twins this time around, I not only wanted to have extra time...but I was going to NEED the extra time to adjust to taking care of two babies versus one! It has gone by so fast yet some days I felt like I wouldn't be able to last the full 6 months (with the craziness of having two little babies at home, tandem feeds, no sleep, etc...it's seriously going to be less work to be back to work, lol!) It's weird because sometimes when I think back to the very beginning of my leave and the sleepless nights...wait, what am I talking about...we're still sleepless in the Fordham household but these little beauties are worth it! But in the beginning we were on a strict feeding schedule and we literally couldn't go anywhere in fear of messing with their schedule so when I think back to that...it feels like forever ago yet also feels like it was just yesterday! I just can't even believe that our two little beauties are going to be SIX MONTHS old next week and that our little Rylee Jane will be THREE in August...to all the new mama's out there...it really is true what they say..."don't blink" because before you know it, they're all grown up *tears...AGAIN, sigh*
Anyways, I hope you all had an amazing Mother's Day weekend...I sure did. My hubby and baby girls make me feel so special every single day but even more special this past weekend...I was showered with gifts, snuggles and lots of wet, sloppy smoochies! (From the girls not my hubby, hehe!) I am truly so blessed to have such an amazing and beautiful family who I love with every inch of my being...God is so, so good!
To document this very special Mother's Day as a mom to three, we wanted to take some photos...I have realized in the last 6 months that taking photos of all the ladybugs has become a "science" if you will, because there's almost always going to be one of us that blinks, makes a silly face, isn't smiling, etc.
Take ONE:

 First attempt...thanks for cutting my head off babe ;)
Take TWO:
 Maysen and Parker...less than enthused by our photo shoot!
 Rylee is now less than enthused as well!
Take FOUR:
 Mommy looks like she's high, lol!
Take FIVE:
 Babies have finally "given in" to photo shoot and are being content...mommy still looks high! *sigh*
Take SIX
 It's a keeper...seriously love these little girls with all of my heart!
A blooper requested by daddy...hahaha! I can't even believe I'm showing you this...Still makes me giggle! Oh what you won't do for a good laugh, lol :)
Well, now I'm off to love up on my little sugar pie's who are being so silly right now! I'm not going to take a second of this next two weeks for granted...and thank GOD it's finally nice outside so I can get out and do some major walkin' with them...fresh air during the day = more peaceful nights (I hope!)